TreeMap Server

TreeMap Server FAQ

How do I upload data files created by the desktop version of TreeMap, to the TreeMap Server?

You can upload files from within the web interface, as long as the upload mechanism has been enabled during the installation process (disabled by default). You can also manually place the .mtm files created by the desktop version of TreeMap in the dataset location folder set during the installation (by default C:\Program Files\Macrofocus\TreeMapServer\data\ on Windows and /Applications/TreeMapServer/data on macOS). The location of this folder can be adjusted either by editing the treemap-server.vmoptions file or by running the installer again (e.g. to make it point to the same location that is used by the desktop version of TreeMap).
We are going to provide an upload mechanism from within the desktop version of TreeMap in a forthcoming version.

Is it possible to hide the task bar at the bottom of the interface?

Yes, this can be achieved by adding the "#!/taskBar=false" option at the end of the URL, for example!/taskBar=false to hide the task bar at for the directory listing and!/taskBar=false for a specific data file.

Can I organize the files in subfolders?

Yes, but currently we are now showing the subfolders in the directory listing. As an example, it is possible to access even though it is not listed in Using this method, it is also possible to make specific subfolders only available to closed user groups by only communicating its location with these users.

February 1, 2024

TreeMap Server 2019.9.3 released! You will find it in the download section.